Saturday, March 5, 2011

March 5, 2011

After almost a year, the VBR&S was back in action.
Bill Cox, the owner gave his briefing before the session began, and as usual forgot some key things that gave operators some problems later, but hey this is supposed to fun, right? Jim Hogan and Cary Campbell are giving Bill their full attention.
A bit later Cary is showing Donnie Smith, one of our new operators how it's done at Rockfish.
Our dispatcher this time was Bob Burke, who did a splendid job as usual.
Cary Campbell found himself in the camera's lens again as he watched his train at Kemper Street Station, Mike Cathy's watching his across the aisle at Tye River.
Jim Hogan and Dan George share some railroading stories in front of the Lower Basin area.
Clint Foster grabbed his usual job on the VBR and here has come into Tye River to meet the Southern local.
As usual the hardest working guys were at Monroe Yard. Rick Lull, Yardmaster Robbie Burns, and Tom Buckingham did a fine job keeping the Railroad's hot spot from becoming a parking lot.
Here's a better shot of Tom switching local industries around Monroe.
Another new operator (to us) was Rick Lull's dad, Scott. Obviously he, like Donnie Smith had operated elsewhere before. Here Scott and Dan George plot a move.
Wayland Moore was taking so many pictures, I decided to just use his for this post. I even managed to take one of him with his camera. Thanks Wayland and nice shirt!
We had a few derailments, a few shorts, and even one "Unstoppable" freight, but all and all I hope everyone had fun.


Engineer Side said...

Just wanted to say THANKS to the great Operating crew this past weekend! As one of the new guys, Scott, I thoroughly enjoyed myself and learned a ton! Great crew, great layout and great food! Thank you so much to all!

Unknown said...

Bill and crew; Sorry I had to "mark off sick" for this session but really enjoyed the shots on the blog. The railroad is looking great. Glad you had a good session. Dan Mulhearn, Pipestem WV